Tally Count so far- Teal Sisters Walk

The count for the teal sisters walk is not yet finalized.

At this stage there is $1,623.40 donated on the Everyday hero web site.

Another 1705.50 has been banked direct to Ovarian cancer bringing the current total to: $3328.90

Raffles on the day raised $841.65

Other donations will go to Ovarian Cancer directly and we are waiting on  this tally.

Thank you for your donations and supportNike Shox Current 807

Jill Emberson video with signs & Symptoms with Liz in the video

Jill Emberson is a renowned ABC broadcaster and sadly was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in February 2016.

See the video below which summarizes the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer and introduces her podcast “STILL JILL”. Please take the time to have a listen.

The full podcast can be downloaded at: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/lifematters/still-jill:-jill-emberson/10342662

https://www.facebook.com/abc/videos/726674631065833/Kids Clothes

Teal Sisters Walk – Flyer

Following is the event Flyer please share it around (also in PDF) We are also looking for sponsors/supporters please go to our supporters page if you would like to help.

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Teal Sister Sponsors-Supporters Flyer

Following is the Sponsors/Supporters Flyer please share it around (also in PDF)

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Oncologist letter confirming illness

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Authority Letter to Fund Raise funds for Ovarian Cancer

Please find following the link to the authority letter from Ovarian Cancer Australia to raise funds & below are the terms and conditions accepted to raise funds via ‘Everyday Hero’ as requested by Ovarian  Cancer Australia

Everyday hero agreement:

Authority To Fundraise via Everyday Hero for the Walk

By opting in to fundraise for Ovarian Cancer Australia Liz has agreed to everydayhero’s privacy policy and fundraising terms and conditions.

Everyday Hero Pty Ltd ABN 21 117 080 430 on behalf of Ovarian Cancer Australia ABN 76097394593 authorises Elizabeth Anne Wright to fundraise in accordance with following terms and conditions:

  1. Elizabeth Anne Wright will be raising funds online through http://core-au.everydayhero.com in compliance with everydayhero’s Terms and Conditions of use as outlined at https://everydayhero.com/au/terms/.

2. Elizabeth Anne Wright will be raising funds in support of Ovarian Cancer Australia.

3. This Authority To Fundraise is issued from the date of this email until your supporter page expires on 30 November, 2018nike news

Ovarian Cancer Statistics

250K of women worldwide are diagnosed each year.

In Australia, 4 women are diagnosed EACH DAY. 3 Australian women will die EACH DAY.

Ovarian Cancer is the most deadly of all women’s cancers.

The treatment has not changed in 30years and there is NO diagnostic test.

As Liz found out here are a couple of things we could do that just might save our lives: first a simple blood test [ CA125 ] once a year where an elevated blood test would have your Doctor look further. And secondly, have a Transvaginal Ultrasound every 2 years, although this is not a 100% guarantee both tests are the only early markers available.

Symptoms may include: Abdomina or pelvic pain, Increased abdominal size or persistent abdominal bloating. The need to urinate often and urgently and Feeling full after eating a small amount.

Risk factors:

Family history of ovarian, breast or Bowel Cancer.
Aged over 50
Having endometriosis
Using hormone replacement therapy
Previously having had breast or bowel cancer
Smoking or obesity
Never having children or having them later in life
Having genetic mutations in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes

Please make every woman you know aware.

Source: Ovarian Cancer Australia

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Cancelled – Brunch with Liz – Wednesday 25th October 2017 10am – 1pm

We apologise. The following event is now cancelled. Liz’s husband Jeff has injured himself and Liz is quite ill at the moment and  does not feel up to it




Come and Join Liz at her Brunch – drop in anytime between 10am & 1pm on Wednesday 25th October 2017

Liz is now halfway through her chemo and has completed her surgery. She has decided that with the help of a couple of friends she will open her house for a morning tea from approximately 10am -1pm on Wednesday 25th October. Everyone is welcome to come along have a bite to eat and a chinwag. Liz is happy to answer any questions and she is keen for some visitors.
This is really not a fundraiser, though you can pop $1 or $2 in the donation bowl. It is really a thank you to friends, supporters and a catch up with locals. If you haven’t met Liz before come and meet her she is a wonderfully positive person. Renee Winslade is the organizer with Liz so if you have any questions feel free to ask or you can message Liz’s page and we will get back to you.

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Wangi RSL – Liz Shave – Final Count $8208

A hugely successful event. Thank you to all who attended and supported Liz, to those who donated and to those who didn’t attend and still donated. And to those who could not donate or attend but sent messages of support. We are grateful to all of you, it means a lot.

Three (3) big shout outs go to:

1) The RSL its members and guests raised $2452 on the night.
2) Darren Campbell & Eraring Power Station Employees who ran the collections and raised funds for his shave which was matched my origin energy. They raised $1719.
3) Origin Foundation matched the amount raised by Eraring Power Station staff and donated a whopping $1720.

We asked Ovarian Cancer Australia to thank these supporters personally and we appreciated that they did do this.Sneakers

World Ovarian Cancer Infograhic sheets from Ovarian Cancer Australia

The following information sheet links are available for the Ovarian Cancer Website:

Cancer Council

Click the links below to download World Ovarian Cancer Day infographics

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